(The Dryden Buck - Poached so it's not official)
The Dryden Buck Score is 223 gr 199 7/8 net green score. (Ontario Record)
The buck you see was shot illegally in Dryden, Ontario. Even though it was taken illegally, the whitetail itself can still be entered into the Boone-Crockett record books as taken by an unknown hunter. The deer gets the glory, the poacher gets nothing. It's an Ontario record.
In Ontario, by law, all hunting rifles must be in their case at dark. The hunter that took this beautiful buck was chasing him for hours and decided to keep up the hunt. He took the deer 1/2 hour after the legal cut-off time for hunting and on private property. The worse thing is the poacher abandoned the deer to rot. Luckily MNR Agents were better hunters then the poachers and quickly closed in on them and made the arrest. Trial details and updates are available at the Ontario Conservation Officers Association web site.